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#MyFavePlugins — Ep 1

At some point in the (hopefully near) future, I’d like this to be a regular HeadingTwo podcast episode—preferably weekly. Until then, we’ll share a “top 5” of the WordPress plugins that caught our eye this week right here on the blog. These will be plugins that we find interesting, whether we’ve used them or not.

These slots are also not for sale, so don’t ask. We’ve scoured the plugin landscape and found these on our own and just want to share them with you. Hopefully, they’re ones you haven’t heard of before and we can shine a light on new tools for your WordPress toolbox!

Okay, with that out of the way, let’s get to this week’s list ⬇️


With this plugin, you can “gamify” your WordPress site. Use it to set up a trigger/action system to reward your site visitors for their behavior at your site. Did they view 5 blog articles? Why not give them 100 points? WooCommerce integration also allows for points to be awarded for product purchases.

So, what do the points matter? Well, you can allow your visitors to earn badges that may unlock additional content. Or, allow for points to be redeemed for credit in your WooCommerce store! Your imagination really is the limit!


The Elementor page builder is my current favorite way to build websites. It’s the one that we’re using right now for this website—at least at the time this article is published.

However, the WooCommerce building options are a bit limited. That’s where this plugin comes in, adding things like templates for product pages, widgets for special “add to cart” actions, and sticky cart options.

If you build sites with Elementor and use WooCommerce to sell products or services, give WooLentor a try!

WP Crontrol

A bit more on the technical side, this plugin allows you to see the cron tasks that are happening at your site and provides some manual control over running (or canceling) them. Not much more to say about that 🙂

Download Plugin

I’d imagine this one is most useful for developers or a support team, but I could be wrong. I’m sure there are other use cases for this utility plugin.

What does it do? Well, it allows you to download any plugin in a site to your computer—right from the plugins listing page in WordPress.

WebP Express

The “new” webp image format just landed in WordPress as a natively-supported image type. Although that’s true, I’d bet that your images aren’t all already in the webp format, are they? What are you waiting for?!

While you convert and upload webp images for all of your newly-created content, this plugin will go back and serve webp images in the places you uploaded jpgs and pngs. You’re probably not going to go back and re-upload all those images, right? Let this plugin help you out.

Have questions about this article or any others we’ve written? Let us know on Twitter @headingtwo!
Today I was joined by Tabitha Turton from GoDaddy (and also formerly SkyVerge) to share a bit about the exclusive, native features that we've been able to add to GoDaddy's Managed WooCommerce hosting.