Category: BTS

With one day left in 2021, I thought it might be fitting to take a look back at HeadingTwo in 2021 and where we might end up in 2022.
This article will (hopefully) serve as a piece we look back on and say "Wow, we had no idea what we were doing when we first started."
In 2022, face-to-face events will begin to happen again. In the WordPress world, two have already been announced: WordCamp Birmingham in Birmingham, AL (#WPYALL) and WordCamp Europe in Porto, Portugal (#WCEU).
TJ and I started HeadingTwo because we're just a couple of guys who love the web, WordPress, being creative, and sharing our experiences with the community.
We're a week and a half into this site being live (for the second time, anyway) and we haven't even discussed our target audience! It's like we're throwing all our marketing skills out the window. Don't worry, we've got you covered.
It's not often that I look back at work from a couple of years ago and am still happy with the design, etc. This HeadingTwo brand is one of the exceptions!
Last night, TJ and I met for a couple of hours to start talking about what we want HeadingTwo to become. To start, we'll produce blog content and a podcast!
TJ and I brainstormed a bunch of names for this... well, let's call it a side project... back in November 2018—almost exactly 3 years ago!
Don't let the title fool you; this isn't the default WordPress first blog post! Today marks the official resurgence of the HeadingTwo brand. This time, TJ and I don't work at the same marketing agency, talking to the same people, reading the same blog articles, and listening to the same podcasts.